Thursday, November 19, 2009

You Might Be a Groupie If......

You Might Be A Groupie If:

You might be a groupie if you don’t work in any aspect of the entertainment industry, yet you know more than one celebrity on a first name basis.

You might be a groupie if we are listening to music together and you tell me which street the artist has a condo on. Go home.

You might be a groupie if you ask me if I know Jermaine Dupri. How come Jermaine Dupri doesn’t ever ask me if I know you? (Credit: Bertell)

You might be a groupie if I text you that I almost crashed my car into a ravine and you respond back “I sat next to OJ the Juiceman tonight!”

You might be a groupie if I have seen you at the studio multiple times, but each time with a different rapper.

You might be a groupie if you get invited to the studio from Club Onyx at 3:45am. Period.

You might be a groupie if you get a call from any rapper’s bodyguard to come to the studio.

You might be a groupie if you are sitting peacefully on the studio couch and the artist gives his security the evil eye and has you replaced.

You might be a groupie if dropping the rapper’s name to get in VIP doesn’t work so you drop the ball player’s. Apparently you really do know them both, what a coincidence.

To be continued...