Let’s get straight to the point:
Until you have developed a WORKING/BUSINESS relationship, conduct yourself in a business-like manner. When I say this, I mean that you should be more polite than friendly. This means you greet with a handshake, not a hug. Laughing and smiling are fine but stay away from flirting… including with body language. Do not use your body to show interest, like you would if you were trying to make friends or stroke the male ego. Resist the temptation to make “friends” first in this male dominated business. If the meeting goes well, a polite hug at your exit would be okay. A nice smile and a handshake would be better.
There are a couple reasons for all this, the first of which is branding. If your method of networking in the music business is overly friendly, flirty, or girly… guess what… you don’t come off as a member of the industry… you come off like a groupie. Imagine being seen at an event hugging all the artists. Imagine how it looks to have pictures all over Facebook where you are with these artists/producers, but you aren’t in the studio working, you are hugging in a club. Yes, I know, you are just being friendly, creating rapport, etc. But to everyone else, you look star struck, misguided, and unprofessional. Amazing how that happens.
Sidebar: I would avoid sending random friendly tweets to celebrities you don’t know or have only met once. This puts you into the category of FAN instead of singer/writer/producer/etc… and the whole twitterverse gets to witness it.
Another reason is that if you start off trying to be friends, then you will quickly be one of the many women that complain that every male in the business wants to get in their pants. A more businesslike approach will not eliminate this completely but I believe it will help.
What are your thoughts? Hit me up.
This is very much true. I believe this information applies to ANY male dominated industry not just music. Many women forget to put their feelings aside when it comes to handling business. It's one thing to already have a friendship with someone but it's another to have a working business relationship. If you are on business regardless venue, it's expected that you conduct yourself in that manor. Build your brand based on what you are able to bring to the table, how well you deliver on your services. Looks do play a role so dress the part but at the end of the day people want to know that you have done what you said you were going to do and it was done better than expected. Keep the drinks, personal stories and dancing to a minimum depending on your purpose. Use the time to network or introduce yourself (don't seem desperate) and don't try to be the one whose the last to leave. There are many other opportunities to talk to these people. You can do things to make your personality shine through without being overly friendly. Let people make the decision to befriend you and be able to recognize and set boundaries. There will be a time to just socialize. If you remember the old cliche' business over pleasure you should be alright.