I always thought that being focused meant keeping your eye on the ball, and always remembering what your goals are. And to a certain extent, this is correct. But this is the easy part.
The hard part is being focused when shit starts to go wrong. Here is an example.
The AC in my truck went out on Friday. So immediately I knew I wasn’t going to drive back to STL for the weekend, because it was 100 degrees outside. First thing Saturday morning I drove to the shop and had them look at my car.
$1,700!!! Apparently every piece of equipment dealing with having cold air in the car was out of order. In addition, I had an O2 sensor out, and my catalytic converter needed to be replaced. I didn’t get the work done yet, because I wanted to get it done at my dealership, thinking that some of the work would be covered by my warranty. Knowing that I had this new repair to pay for, among other things, I decided to get my grind on all day.
After putting in work for a few hours, I hit another roadblock. The truck started smoking as I pulled up to a studio to drop off some promotional materials. At this point, I’m like, you know what, I’m gonna go inside and do what I came to do before even worrying about what the hell is going wrong with the car. So I go inside, make my money, and come back out, and the car is cooled off and no longer smoking under the hood. However, when I started it back up, the power steering had gone out.
So I’m thinking, ok, first my AC, then my power steering. But you know what? I’m on a mission today, and I’m not letting a fucking thing stop me. Fuck it. I can’t just grind all day now, I’m bout to grind all night, too. So I called my homeboy Brian Foxx, and told him that I was going to attend his event at Django’s and do some promotion up there. I still had some time to put in work before that, so I started driving to the next place with no power steering.
I get there, and my car is smoking again. In my head I’m thinking, ok, I have 2 choices. I can either bitch out, and stop working until I get my car fixed completely, or I can run this fuckin thing into the ground, and be a champion for one day. This was actually a tough decision. I like my car. I don’t want to destroy it. But I also knew that I needed this. Not for the money. Just for the simple fact that I needed to win. I did not want to let this kind of thing defeat me. Not me.
So I strut my happy ass into the business, and give them some flyers and put up a poster. I pull my camera out to take pictures (that’s how I get paid). I turned it on and it gave me an error message, and two options. I could either turn off the camera, or format the memory card(and lose the last weeks worth of work). I turned the camera on and off several times and tried reinserting the card. All in vain.
So now, I’m like WHAT THE FUCK?! The AC, the O2 Sensor, the catalytic converter, the powersteering/overheating…and now my fucking camera doesn’t work? I mean, I literally can’t get paid for my promo work without my camera…
It took me a moment to calm down from this. I thought about it, and realized that the universe obviously did not want me doing promo today. So I drove my car back home, parked it and went inside. I really wanted to just lay down and go to sleep. I wanted to escape. But I realized that a change had occurred. None of these options made any sense.

That was not me anymore. The old me would have sat down and tried to relax, and get rid of the feeling of the world trying to defeat me. The new me just banished any and all thoughts of opposition. THERE IS NO OPPOSITION. I would STILL not lose my focus. Just because my car wasn’t working properly and I couldn’t do promo for the day didn’t mean I had to give up. So I continued. I began fixing up an old MPC 2000xl that I bought to sell online and never got around to it. I rearranged some furniture in my room, something that had been on my to do list for months. I didn’t stop. I kept going, all night. I just kept knocking out things that I knew I had to do. I didn’t go to bed until 6:00am.
He who works the hardest, wins.
This change was life altering. I now not only know what it looks like to keep going in the face of many challenges, but I know distinctly and specifically what it FEELS like. And I can incorporate that feeling into my daily habits. In fact, upon writing this, I can tell you that I already have. I woke up MUCH earlier than usual today. I got so much shit done today its retarded. I did it all without a car.
Faced with all of these challenges, something inside me snapped. I am forever changed. I will stop at nothing, and my grind will be intense. See you at the top.