They say not to ever make assumptions. I say that's bullshit. For instance, isn't it healthier to assume that you will be successful in your current efforts and endeavors, than to wait and find out? I believe assuming success will provide you with the confidence to carry out your actions in such a manner that will BRING you that success.
The belief that making assumptions makes you look like an ass is rooted in the idea that acting without proper knowledge will have negative consequences. It basically just means, be prepared and educate yourself about the situation to the fullest extent possible. However, telling people to never assume anything can be very misleading. Furthermore, it is not always necessary to know every detail about every situation. Why? Because its okay to make mistakes, and the only way to get anything accomplished is through ACTION, not constant research or question asking.
This being said, i am not advocating acting within the shroud of ignorance. I'm simply saying that sometimes its okay to assume something. If you end up being wrong, so what? Cross that bridge when you get there. This is how you calibrate and develop instincts. Act, fail, learn, act, succeed.