First, on friday, I recorded a String Quartet with Nev Walker, a talented engineer. It was something I had never done before, and it was definitely a learning experience, but it went well and Nev made it sound awesome. that's not so crazy.
Then, there was a party for my roomate, Blake's birthday at the studio he works at. The party consisted of a lot of Sweetwater beer (frequently spilled by wasted engineers), drunken listening sessions, and Blake telling everybody "Well, I broke up with my girl earlier today, but it's all good cause now I'm walking around with Usher."
...Yes, Usher was really drinking at my roommate's birthday party.

It was cool to hang out with friends, and meet some more musicians, producers, artists, etc. I didn't intend on passing out drunk in Studio A control room. Ha.
Saturday night, my buddy Max called me up and asked if I wanted to go out and meet some girls in Buckhead. I really didn't want to, as I wanted to stay home and work on some music. He managed to talk me into it. I'm sure it wasn't that hard.
We went to a popular area in Buckhead with some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. They all looked like this:
It was like a little plaza of bars, and you could freely walk between them all. There was a fountain in the middle of them all, in an open-air area where people were mingling even though it was raining. All the different bars were bangin' loud music and swarming with enough superstar quality women to give you permanent taco neck syndrome. For me, the best part of the night was when I went to talk to a 10 (hands down). I saw her standing all alone, and playing with her phone. No hesitation, no planning, no observing, just straight in.
Me: (completely serious) Hey, you look kinda familiar. Did we...did we make out last week?
Her: (smiling wide) I don't thi
nk so. I was in Colorado last week.
Me: Are you absolutely positive, I think it was right over there (pointing to a dark corner).
Her: I'm pretty sure.
She then stops playing with her phone, which turns out to be a camera, and precedes to take a picture of her boyfriend, who looks like a UFC fighter and was standing right behind me the whole time. Oops. I had even seen her with him earlier, holding hands, kissing, and all but screaming "We're here together!"
Whatever, I like how she brought up that we couldn't have made out because she was out of town, but she didn't mention her man.
To top the weekend off, there was snow on the ground when I woke up, after having been warm enough to wear a button down shirt outside in the drizzling rain at the bar the night before. And, it was raining. I hate that kind of snow...the rainy muddy kind. But it gave me a good excuse to clean the crib a little, watch one of my favorite movies, and eventually get around to making a BANGER.
Stay tuned.